Sunday, April 08, 2007

Tomorrow ...

Going home tomorrow ... And I can't wait. Just to get out of here, be on my own, not having to deal with any of this.
Darren rang today. Guess where he is? Yeah ... With Lorri. And Jordyn. Against the protection order. Against the LAW.
So I spoke to him for 15 seconds before hanging up. Think I'm joking? No. My side of the conversation went something like "Hello ... What do you want? ... Mum's at work ... Fine. Bye" Hang up without waiting for a response.
I'm sick of everything. Sick of Darren and the way he is. The way he treats people. The way he's such a fucking asshole. The way he doesn't stop to think about the way he acts, and the way it affects people.
I've had enough of Amanda too ... Letting Darren get away with everything. Lying for him.
Arrrgggghhh I don't know. I need to get my life back together, but I don't know how I can with all this stuff going on. I need to figure out what the hell I want to do, where I want to go ...

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