Thursday, January 26, 2012

"I'll bet you've had about enough of people telling how strong you are and how great you're doing during this awful, difficult period in your life. Maybe you'd rather hear someone say how much this sucks, how outrageous and unfair it is. Maybe you'd rather hear someone tell you that you don't have to be strong all the time. Or that it's definitely okay to curse fate and throw a tantrum or two. So here I am to tell you all that stuff and more, to let you know where I stand, which is right in your corner. There's no right way or wrong way at a time like this. However you work through this thing is immaterial to me. All I care about is that you ask for what you need, lean on those who love you, and try to trust me when I say that you'll come out the other side."

Jeannie Hund

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